Industry 4.0 concentrates in sales perspective on product information management. This means that it is now very critical to invest in offering management.
Industry 4.0 is currently a very big term. IoT Solutions, Digital Twin, Smart Factory, you name it!
The focus in Industry 4.0 is often on streamlining production methods and analyzing products more precisely. A better understanding of demand of products will be of greater importance to manufacturing companies in the future. Businesses may already understand the big picture of what their customers want, but what exactly are these needs and how these are needs actually addressed is often missed by companies.
At present, there is not enough investment to sales tools in companies to offering management. This naturallybrings to table the following question: Do your business know what your sales team really sells?
From client solution creation to product lifecycle management
The KlaroCPQ solution business process starts from systematically defining and modeling customer needs into the sales system. With the Klaro CPQ application you get an accurate picture of customer demand and matching solutions from your sales offering. Investing in sales tools will make your productization and offer management a managed process.
At the sales stage, KlaroCPQ is also able to better identify production opportunities. The subcontractor chain and its production schedules can be identified and delivery times can be promised with greater precision and certainty at the tender stage. Better product information supports sales to serve their clients for greater certainty, for sure!
A big part of Industry 4.0 is related to digitalizing product information and utilizing it in 3D models. In order to utilize product information in the production phase and in the lifecycle of a product, it is for sure necessary to define it already at the sales stage.
With KlaroCPQ you can configure the solution already at the sales stage and manage solution the entire productlife cycle from sales to services.
Commercial perspective for offering management
Klaro digital sales tools can help you with following questions in offering perspective:
- Do you know how your solutions and product prices are formed?
- What are your company sales margins?
- How my customer sees my offering and my sales work?
What is most important in perspective of offering management, is that the offered solutions are known precisely. This enables high level customer experience with high quality quotes. This can be deciding factor when winning sales deals.
Knowing your numbers enables you to manage your sales. For company it is much easier to define what deals to take and which price when you know what are exactly quoting.
With Klaro digital sales tools, the sales process is always under control and you know which sales stage you are going through with the customer. The contents of the offers are well documented and the different versions of the quotes are available are always easily available.
Benefits of sales process digitalisation in product offering management:
- You know the exactly quote solution content in item level and its margins.
- You know what you promise with quality bid management system.
- Top quality solutions for specific client need will increase customer experience throughout the customer contract lifetime.
Lets ease up the offering management for sales with digital sales tools from 2020 era
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