
Leader, why to invest in sales digitalization?

There is a lot of discussion and internal communication in companies about the importance of sales. Stories about “everyone in the firm is a salesperson” and “how important it is to respond to a customer’s voices”. Good ideas, but investment in sales support so far have been small.

Sales-related digital investments have typically focused on acquiring leads and injecting them into the customer management system. Otherwise good, but the quotation and deal-making process itself according to the company’s product portfolio is forgotten.

In general, the sales tools for quoting are rather deficient. Sales have to spend a lot of time in collecting and verifying information from client need and company’s offering portfolio. Salesperson’s time gets spent in the office tapping the computer keyboard, gathering information across the organization and entering it into simple word templates.

How to help sales teams?

To make deals, a company needs a specific digital sales tool: a configure-price-quote solution, a CPQ.

The salesperson should manage their office work efficiently with a modern CPQ system and free up their time for creating sales opportunities. Usually, sales shortfalls are solved by hiring more resources. However, the best results are achieved by increasing automation in sales processes and investing in digital tools for sales. With a CPQ, sales organizations have succeeded in reducing time and resources for quoting.

Klaro solutions reduce the need for large sales support staff. Also, the technical skills of salespeople may be lower when the technical requirements are specified in the CPQ tool. At its best, KlaroCPQ has brought sales efficiencies of more than 80% for the company. KlaroCPQ contains the information needed to make a solution quote, and above all, the correct real-time information.

In a sales configurator, a salesperson can easily build their offerings according to the customer’s needs, give the quote exactly the right information content, and easily manage their quotation process globally.

If salespeople are required to have formula one car like performance at 300kmh, why should he work with a tractor? 

Let’s free up salespeople time for customers! You can do this by Investing in the easy-to-use and user friendly CPQ tools.

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